There are many people putting great efforts to feel and become more healthier and weight loss is likely at the top of the list. As a society we’ve adopted many unhealthy eating habits over the past 40-50 years and unfortunately implementing changes to our eating styles materializes very slowly unless real change is implemented.
There are similarities between people who have difficulty losing weight and confusion is a common one. Confusion in the sense that everyone is bombarded with different systems, products, podcasts and advertising that makes a person unsure what to do. The “reduce your calories” mantra has probably influenced us the most over the past number of decades when in reality, reducing calories doesn’t generally work well for most people. Feeding your body less calories with the goal of burning more than you’ve taken in usually results in someone feeling more sluggish or tired. This style of eating doesn’t usually make it easy to adhere to it. The problem with calories is that calories can come from good and bad sources therefore complicating the simple calculation. Add to the confusion that there is a healthier eating style for cardiovascular disease prevention, foods to avoid for inflammatory bowel disease, foods to include for cancer prevention, it’s not hard to see where confusion comes into play.
When we attempt to help people achieve their weight loss goal, we use a combination of lifestyle modifications and periodic blood testing to guide us in creating a plan for success. Success is not always straight forward because in many cases we find that coexisting medical conditions play bigger roles than people realize. Whether its hormonal imbalances or something else, the coexisting medical condition needs to be addressed as well in order to have optimal weight loss success. The use of a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant can be arranged if the dietary requirements become more complex. In most cases, people can navigate the changes required for them to lose the desired weight.
When we attempt to help people achieve their weight loss goal, we use a combination of lifestyle modifications and periodic blood testing to guide us in creating a plan for success. Success is not always straight forward because in many cases we find that coexisting medical conditions play bigger roles than people realize. Whether its hormonal imbalances or something else, the coexisting medical condition needs to be addressed as well in order to have optimal weight loss success. The use of a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant can be arranged if the dietary requirements become more complex. In most cases, people can navigate the changes required for them to lose the desired weight.